Over time, lintels (load-bearing supports) can crack or expand and will need to be replaced. To do this, support props need to be used to hold the weight above the lintel whilst it is being replaced.
Step 1 – Cut into mortar
First, cut into the mortar between bricks above the lintel. Here your props with masonry supports can be inserted.
Place the props on the ground, extend to the correct height and secure by placing the pin through the collar.
Step 2 – Insert props and masonry supports
Hammer the back of the masonry support until it is about two thirds of the way through the brickwork.
Make sure the props are fully secure by checking they are not at all loose.
Step 3 – Remove bricks
Remove the bricks around the lintel, and remove any excess mortar.
Step 4 – Remove and replace lintel
Next, the lintel can be removed and replaced.
Step 5 – Replace bricks
Replace and refill the bricks around the new lintel making sure to go further than the lintel at the sides to confirm it is secure.
Step 6 – Leave 24 hours
Leave 24 hours for the mortar to dry, then remove the props and masonry attachments, finally repairing the slits made for them.