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What hollow cabinet scraper sizes are available?

What hollow cabinet scraper sizes are available?

Shop for Cabinet scrapers

Cabinet scraper, card scraper, hollow cabinet scraper, size, length, width, height, scraping, woodwork, concave, convex, carpenter, DIYer, polished, high carbon steel, parts, blade, body. Hollow cabinet scrapers are measured by length, width and thickness.
Cabinet scraper, card scraper, hollow cabinet scraper, size, length, width, scraping, woodwork, concave, convex, carpenter, DIYer, polished, high carbon steel, parts, blade, body. They are available in the following sizes:

Length  Width
125mm (5″) 63mm (2.5″)
150mm (6″) 50mm (2″)
150mm (6″) 75mm (3″)
222mm (9″) 138mm (5.5″)
Cabinet scraper, card scraper, hollow cabinet scraper, size, length, width, scraping, woodwork, concave, convex, carpenter, DIYer, polished, high carbon steel, parts, blade, body. Hollow cabinet scrapers are also measured by thickness. The longer the length of the scraper the thicker it is, making it able to withstand scraping without becoming damaged.

The thickness of hollow cabinet scrapers ranges from 0.4 to 1mm (0.02 to 0.04″).

Having scrapers of different sizes gives the user a choice when scraping.

You can use larger scrapers for larger surfaces and smaller scrapers for smaller surfaces and harder-to-reach areas.

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